Through every life’s milestone, crisis, opportunity, or challenge, credit unions in California have always been there—to support, encourage, and assist. They work with their members one-on-one, according to their financial aspirations or need. They inspire hope in their communities by supporting individuals and local organizations. And when bad times have hit—such as natural disasters like the wildfires that have devastated regions of the state in recent years—credit unions have stepped up to provide financial assistance to those who have lost everything and to aid local relief efforts. Credit unions in California have demonstrated time and time again what sets them apart from other financial institutions. They represent the credit union difference.

Credit Unions provide families with access to low cost loans to help with emergency bills. They protect families from predatory lenders by helping with affordable but responsible short-term loans when hit with unexpected medical debt, surprise medical billing, job loss, or other emergencies.

Total Economic Impact
Amount of Small Business Loans
of Credit Unions Offer Financial Education Services

Credit Union Members
Total # of Credit Unions

Amount of Agricultural Loans